Growingup, he was surrounded by socialistideologies, especially because his father was a passionate socialist
He fought in WW1 & known for being openlyscatching of the institutions, linking to the play through his frequent uncensored political voice which is evident within the play -> therefore, his contribution in WW1lead to his realisation of the vastinequalities that plaguesociety
What is the context of J.B. Priestley's involvement in politics?
In 1945, he was a co-founder of the commonwealthparty, which was a socialistparty that favouredequality,morality & commonownership (less should be privatelyowned,moreowned by the public)
The commonwealthparty helped galvanisesupport for the Labourpartieslandslidevictory of 1945
How does J.B. Priestley himself link to the play?
Priestley's strongsocialistideologies are personified through the Inspector, who acts as a moralcompass for the Birlings, aiming to guidethemaway from their dehumanisingcapitalistworldwideviews by introducing them to socialism
Thus, Priestley vilifiescapitalists, particularly throughMr & MrsBirling, to make socialism seem a more favourablesocietalapproach