folk devils and moral panics

Cards (10)

  • moral panic
    process of arousing social concern over an issue - usually by moral entrepreneurs
  • moral entrepreneura
    person, group or organisation with the power to create rules and impose their morals, views and attitudes onto others
    • eg. politicians, teachers, parents, religious leaders
  • folk devils
    oversimplification, ill informed generalisations of particular people who moral entrepreneurs wish to demonise
    • eg. mods and rockers, lone parent families, immigrants, football hooligans
  • by labelling and creating folk devils, moral entrepreneurs can generate moral panic through societies
  • what does a moral panic involve
    • simplification of an insubordinate minority
    • simplification of cause
    • stigmatisation of those involved (labelling)
    • generation of trepidation amongst the public
    • a ‘stamp down’ on certain groups
  • hegemony - hall

    the process in which the r/c can coerce a subordinate class to conform to its interests but to assert social authority over insubordinate classes
  • hegemony - hall

    fragments the w/c and turns them on one another
    • justifies the use of repressive control
  • hegemony - hall

    justifies inequalities in society and reasserts power of those higher up in society
  • deviance amplification spiral - jack young
    1. police arrest marijuana smokers for minor offences
    2. media sensationsalise these stories = moral panic generated
    3. in response to these stories, police crack down harder on folk devils
    4. drug users pushed underground - raises suspicion and pushes drug prices up - police crack down harder (more media)
    5. drug users start resisting arrest, turn to news and have organised themselves better
    6. high risk of being with drugs = increased prices so users turn to theft to fund their lifestyle - more deviance
  • deviance amplification spiral - jack young
    moral panic about knife crime so more people fearful of being attacked in street
    • more people start carrying knives for ‘protection’