Cards (10)

  • IP Addresses used when sending data between TCP/IP networks (e.g. over internet)
  • IP addresses are assigned either manually or automatically before the device can access the network
  • Two versions of IP addresses
    IPv4 (32 bits)
    IPv6 (128 bits)
  • IPv6 created because of increasing number of devices that need unique IP address
  • IPv4 has over 4 billion IP addresses, IPv6 has over 340 trillion IP addresses
  • IPv6 addresses are split into 16-bit chunks, each one given a hexadecimal number
  • IPv4 addresses are split into 8- bit chunks, each one given as a denary number
  • used to identify device on network
    temporary address
  • differnt network or differnt day may lead to change in IP address
    unlike MAC address which stays same no matter what
  • IP address will be used by router
    routing data out or into internet from or to device