Evironmental Movement

Cards (7)

  • Silent Spring- we’re killing pests and birds with chemicals which also harm humans who eat the plants that they’re sprayed on.
    This pushes the environmental movement to continue
  • Earth Day- 1970, Earth Day Demonstration
    Nixon was supportive of the Env. Movement and signed a few laws to support it.
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- writing environmental laws and rules, advising president and Congress about env. issues.
    Signs the Clear Air Act- pollution restrictions, limits the amount of chemicals allowed in the air.
    Water Pollution Control Act- protects water from chemicals and toxic waste.
  • Endangered Species Act

  • Endangered Species Act

    Provides additional protection for endangered species
  • 2 important incidents
  • Love Canal
    • NY, everyone in this area had medical problems, mortality rates were high, big companies were dumping toxic chemicals into Love Canal and people were drinking the water w/o knowing, they closed the whole town and government gave people money as apologies
  • Island in Pennsylvania
    • A nuclear power plant almost melted down, evacuated people from the area, closed the plant, today you can't go to the island bc there is radiation poisoning