Cards (6)

  • Type 1 diabetes (born with it)
    • Pancreas doesn't produce any insulin
    • Untreated type 1 diabetics are not taking insulin so blood glucose will be extremely high after eating carbohydrates
    • Glucose is not stored as glycogen and glucose present in urine (if untreated)
  • Type 2 diabetes (linked to obesity)
    • The body cells don't respond to insulin
    • Blood glucose remains high despite insulin being released. This is because the liver cells don't respond to the insulin
    • Usually present in older people who are overweight
  • Diabetes treatments:
    • Insulin injections - Type 1
    • Metformin tablets (makes body cells respond to insulin again) - Type 2
    • Diet low in carbohydrates - Both
    • Regular exercise - Both
    • Pancreatic tissue transplant (insulin made in pancreas) - Both
  • Benedict's solution is used to test urine for glucose. The Benedict's solution is mixed with urine and heated strongly.
  • Benedict's solution:
    Glucose present (positive result) = brick red
  • Benedict's solution:
    Glucose absent (negative result) = blue