reactions of metals with oxygen

Cards (8)

  • Oxidation
    When a metal reacts with oxygen, the metal has gained oxygen
  • Reduction
    When oxygen is removed from a metal compound, the metal atoms have lost oxygen
  • Reaction of metals with oxygen
    1. Metal forms metal oxide
    2. Oxidation reaction occurs - metal atoms gain oxygen
  • Reactions of metals with oxygen
    • Magnesium reacts rapidly with oxygen, releasing heat and light
    • Iron reacts slowly with oxygen, taking weeks or months
  • Magnesium reacts with oxygen
    Forms magnesium oxide
  • Iron reacts with oxygen
    Forms iron oxide
  • In the reaction of calcium with copper oxide, calcium is oxidized (gains oxygen) and copper is reduced (loses oxygen)
  • More questions on reactions of metals with oxygen and oxidation/reduction can be found in the revision workbook