Defense Systems

Cards (16)

  • Nonspecific defense system

    The body's first line of defense against pathogens, preventing them from entering the body
  • Parts of the nonspecific defense system
    • Skin
    • Nose and mucus
    • Cilia in trachea and bronchi
    • Stomach acid
  • Skin
    • Forms a protective layer covering the body
    • Outer layer of dead cells difficult for pathogens to penetrate
    • Produces sebum to kill bacteria
    • Can scab over when damaged to prevent pathogen entry
  • Nose and mucus
    • Contract pathogens before they enter the breathing system
  • Cilia in trachea and bronchi
    • Covered in mucus, contract pathogens upwards towards the throat to be swallowed
  • Stomach acid
    • Kills pathogens before they can travel further down the digestive system
  • Even with the nonspecific defense systems, pathogens can still get into the human body and cause serious disease, so the immune system also protects us
  • Immune system
    Protects us against pathogens
  • Immune system
    • Destroys pathogens and any toxins they produce
    • Protects us in case the same type of pathogen invades us again in the future
  • White blood cells
    Involved in the immune system
  • How white blood cells destroy pathogens
    1. Detect chemicals released from pathogen
    2. Ingest pathogen
    3. Use enzymes to destroy pathogen
  • Phagocytosis
    The process of white blood cells ingesting and destroying pathogens
  • How white blood cells destroy pathogens using antibodies
    1. White blood cells produce antibodies
    2. Antibodies stick to pathogens
    3. This triggers the pathogens to be destroyed
  • Antibodies
    • Extremely specific to one type of pathogen
    • Can remain in the blood for a long time to protect against future infection
  • How white blood cells protect against toxins
    1. White blood cells produce antitoxins
    2. Antitoxins stick to toxin molecules
    3. Prevents toxins from damaging cells
  • You'll find plenty of questions on the immune system in the revision workbook