WEEK 2 termi

Cards (13)

  • Wave interference is the phenomenon that occurs when two waves meet while traveling along the same medium.
  • Interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superimpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower or the same amplitude.
  • Types of Interference:
    • Constructive Interference
    • Destructive Interference
  • Constructive interference is a type of interference that occurs at any location along the medium where the two interfering waves have a displacement in the same direction.
  • Constructive interference is observed at any location where the two interfering waves are displaced upward.
  • Destructive interference is a type of interference that occurs at any location along the medium where the two interfering waves have a displacement in the opposite direction.
  • When two or more waves superimpose each other with slightly different frequencies, then a sound of periodically varying amplitude at a point is observed. This phenomenon is known as beats.
  • The number of amplitude maxima per second is called beat frequency. If we have two sources, then their difference in frequency gives the beat frequency.
  • Standing waves occur when both ends of a string are fixed.
  • There are nodes, where the amplitude is always zero, and antinodes, where the amplitude reaches the maximum value.
  • Stationary wave or standing wave, which means that this wave does not move either forward or backward, whereas progressive or travelling waves will move forward or backward.
  • The sonometer is made up of a hollow box which is one meter long with a uniform metallic thin string attached to it.
  • fill in the missing words
    A) Move forward
    B) Backward
    C) advance
    D) Progressive
    E) Stationary
    F) neither move forward or backward
    G) will not advance
    H) energy
    I) do not
    J) nodes