paper 1

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  • Deviation from Ideal mental health

    Positive attitudes towards the self, Self actualisation , being resistant to stress, personal autonomy , accurate perception of reality and environmental mastery.
  • Deviation from Ideal Mental health Strength

    1)POSITIVE VIEW OF MA PLUS DIAGNOSIS APPLICATION = focuses on behaviour which is desirable rather than undesirable. GOOD TRAITS - helps ppl realise areas of MH that they need to work on.2)BROAD RANGE OF 6 CRITERIA-comprehensive diagnostic toolCovers all MI in some way.
  • Deviation from Ideal mental health weakness

    UNREALISTIC CRITERIA FOR MENTAL HEALTH- due to stressors of today’s society (like exams/work), very few people match ALL criteria set by Jahoda but according to def, majority would be abnormal and need help.May lead toMISDIAGNOSIS.
  • Characteristics of phobias

    Behavioural, emotional and cognitive
  • Behavioural characteristics of phobias
    Panic, avoidance, endurance.
  • Emotional characteristics of phobias
    Anxiety- prevents sufferer relaxing and makes hard to experience any positive emotion.Unreasonable responsesin relation to P stimulus.
  • Two process model - Mowrer
    Phobias are ACQUIRED thru classical conditioning and MAINTAINED thru operant conditioning.
  • Acquisition of phobias

    Involves learning to associate something which we initially have no fear (NS) of with something that already triggers a fear response (UCS).
  • Maintenance of phobias

    Conditioned responses tend to decline overtime but phobias are long-lasting. Explained by operant conditioning through negative reinforcement- individual avoids phobic stimulus to get rid of unpleasant experience.
  • Strength of behavioural approach in explaining phobias

    WATSON AND RAYNER -9 MONTH OLDLITTLE ALBERTshowed white rat- initially no unusual anxiety - even plays with it.SET OUT TO GIVE PHOBIA- loud frightening noise by banging iron bar near his ear. EVENTUALLY he becamescared of rat even when noise wasn’t present.Rat was nowconditionedphobic stimulus.
  • Strength of behavioural approach in explaining phobias 2

    Extended our previous understanding of phobias,before was only based onACQUISITION. - Explains how phobias areMAINTAINED- led to treatments likeFLOODING- where sufferer cannot avoid ps. Flooding also seen as effective - supports validity of theory.
  • Weakness of behavioural approach in explaining phobias

    Incomplete expl -BOUNTON- we acquire phobia ofsources of danger in evolutionary past like snakes. Whereas les likely to acquire phobia of things like guns/cars even tho theyre dangerous.SELIGMAN-‘biological preparedness’
  • Weakness of behavioural approach in explaining phobias 2

    There is an alternative explanation for avoidance behaviour - cog expl would sayirrational beliefs leads to phobia- contribute tofeelings of anxiety and result in display of emotional symptoms of phobias.- Simplistic cause and effect explanation, ignores mediating factors in phobia acquisition/maintenance.
  • Systematic desensitisation
    Involves gradual exposure to phobic stimulus while practicing relaxation techniques - based on principle of RECIPROCAL INHIBITION
    1. Anxiety Hierarchy, 2. Relaxation technique, 3. Gradual Exposure
    Counter conditioning - replacing fear with relaxation
  • Flooding
    Direct and immediate exposure to phobic stimulus, patient prevented from avoidance. Left in presence until no physiological arousal and are exhausted. Leads to EXTINCTION -association between phobia and fear dies.
  • Strength of behavioural treatment for phobias
    GILROY- tracked 42 people- arachnophobia . 3 x 45 min SD sessions compared to Ctrl group -only relaxation. At 3,33months, SD group significantly less FEARFUL than ctrl group.1) SD= EFFECTIVE, 2) EFFECTIVE IN LONG-RUN (eg 33 months)
  • Strength of behavioural treatment for phobias 2

    OUGRIN- compared SD and F to cog therapies. Both much quicker, whereas CBT requires keeping diaries and homework tasks = much longer. Flooding - less effort so more people likely to stick to it as no major impact on everyday life. WHEREAS CBT may be burden on busy people, high attrition rates
  • Weakness of behavioural treatment for phobias

    MAY NOT ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE OF PHOBIA.- psychoanalysts would say too focused on symptoms and ignores real cause - traumatic childhoods repressed by unconscious mind. - Alleviates anxiety but not fix phobia. - ineffective in long run.
  • Weakness of behavioural treatment for phobias 2

    FLOODING - TRAUMATIC- patients feeling extreme emotion - fainting/breathing probs. 1)People w respiratory issues may be put off.2) People have todrop treatment and make phobia worse. SD = more appropriate than flooding.
  • Behavioural characteristic of depression
    Change in Activity , Change in Sleep/Eating, Social Impairment
  • Emotional characteristic of depression

    Depressed mood, Lack of interest/pleasure, Worthlessness
  • Cognitive characteristic of depression
    Reduced concentration, negative beliefs about the self.
  • Beck's negative triad

    negative view of self, world, and future- forms aNEVERENDING,INTRUSIVE CYCLE OF DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS. -negative schemas along w bias maintain triad.
  • Cognitive biases

    Selective attention and overgeneralisation
  • Ellis' ABC model

    Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences- not activating event that causes consequence, but isBELIEF about activating event.IRRATIONAL beliefs lead to negative feelings= depression.
  • Supporting research for cognitive explanation of depression

    KOSTER ET AL- student volunteers in anATTENTION TASK- Positive, negative and neutral words. Depressed ppts - focused on negative words
  • Supporting research for cognitive explanation of depression 2

    Practical application- 1) Led to CBT and 2) Beck reviewed effectiveness and found that it wasHighly effective
  • Weakness of cog explanation of depression 1

    REDUCTIONIST - overly focused on internal mental thoughts. 1)Ignores BIOLOGICAL FACTORS like NTs. 2) SSRI effectiveness adds further validity.
  • Weakness of cog explanation of depression 2

    CORRELATION - dofaulty schemas lead to depressionor depression or does depression lead to faulty schemas. LATTER/FORMER. - MCGUFFIN - 46% MZ twins, 20% DZ twins
  • Thought Catching
    Helps identify automatic thoughts about self, world and future. Done through discussions or homework (journaling/diary)
  • Challenging beliefs
    Once thoughts have been identified, therapist challenges them through discussion by using evidence to disprove the thoughts. REALITY TESTING
  • Cognitive Restructuring

    Replaces negative thoughts withpositive, constructive ones.
  • Behavioural activation

    A therapy for depression focusing on encouraging patients to engage in those activities they previously enjoyed.Graded hw
  • Ellis' REBT
    To identify and dispute irrational thoughts.
  • 3 types of disputing

    Empirical, logical, pragmatic
  • Empirical disputing
    Is there evidence?
  • Logical disputing

    Does it make sense?
  • Pragmatic disputing
    Are irrational beliefs helpful? e.g. How is this belief actually going to help me?
  • Effect of disputing
    Changes irrational beliefs into more rational beliefs.
  • Strength of cog approach to treating depression

    REBT effectivenessin reducing symptoms of moderate/severe depression.DAVID ET AL-compared REBT, CBT and drugsfound that they all were effective.At 6 months,found that REBT was most effective. -REBT - most effective in long run.