Positive attitudes towards the self, Self actualisation , being resistant to stress, personal autonomy , accurate perception of reality and environmental mastery.
Deviation from Ideal Mental health Strength
1)POSITIVE VIEW OF MA PLUS DIAGNOSIS APPLICATION = focuses on behaviour which is desirable rather than undesirable. GOOD TRAITS - helps ppl realise areas of MH that they need to work on.2)BROAD RANGE OF 6 CRITERIA-comprehensive diagnostic toolCovers all MI in some way.
Deviation from Ideal mental health weakness
UNREALISTIC CRITERIA FOR MENTAL HEALTH- due to stressors of today’s society (like exams/work), very few people match ALL criteria set by Jahoda but according to def, majority would be abnormal and need help.May lead toMISDIAGNOSIS.
Characteristics of phobias
Behavioural, emotional and cognitive
Behavioural characteristics of phobias
Panic, avoidance, endurance.
Emotional characteristics of phobias
Anxiety- prevents sufferer relaxing and makes hard to experience any positive emotion.Unreasonable responsesin relation to P stimulus.
Two process model - Mowrer
Phobias are ACQUIRED thru classical conditioning and MAINTAINED thru operant conditioning.
Acquisition of phobias
Involves learning to associate something which we initially have no fear (NS) of with something that already triggers a fear response (UCS).
Maintenance of phobias
Conditioned responses tend to decline overtime but phobias are long-lasting. Explained by operant conditioning through negative reinforcement- individual avoids phobic stimulus to get rid of unpleasant experience.
Strength of behavioural approach in explaining phobias
WATSON AND RAYNER -9 MONTH OLDLITTLE ALBERTshowed white rat- initially no unusual anxiety - even plays with it.SET OUT TO GIVE PHOBIA- loud frightening noise by banging iron bar near his ear. EVENTUALLY he becamescared of rat even when noise wasn’t present.Rat was nowconditionedphobic stimulus.
Strength of behavioural approach in explaining phobias 2
Extended our previous understanding of phobias,before was only based onACQUISITION. - Explains how phobias areMAINTAINED- led to treatments likeFLOODING- where sufferer cannot avoid ps. Flooding also seen as effective - supports validity of theory.
Weakness of behavioural approach in explaining phobias
Incomplete expl -BOUNTON- we acquire phobia ofsources of danger in evolutionary past like snakes. Whereas les likely to acquire phobia of things like guns/cars even tho theyre dangerous.SELIGMAN-‘biological preparedness’
Weakness of behavioural approach in explaining phobias 2
There is an alternative explanation for avoidance behaviour - cog expl would sayirrational beliefs leads to phobia- contribute tofeelings of anxiety and result in display of emotional symptoms of phobias.- Simplistic cause and effect explanation, ignores mediating factors in phobia acquisition/maintenance.
Systematic desensitisation
Involves gradual exposure to phobic stimulus while practicing relaxation techniques - based on principle of RECIPROCAL INHIBITION
Counter conditioning - replacing fear with relaxation
Direct and immediate exposure to phobic stimulus, patient prevented from avoidance. Left in presence until no physiological arousal and are exhausted. Leads to EXTINCTION -association between phobia and fear dies.
Strength of behavioural treatment for phobias
GILROY- tracked 42 people- arachnophobia . 3 x 45 min SD sessions compared to Ctrl group -only relaxation. At 3,33months, SD group significantly less FEARFUL than ctrl group.1) SD= EFFECTIVE, 2) EFFECTIVE IN LONG-RUN (eg 33 months)
Strength of behavioural treatment for phobias 2
OUGRIN- compared SD and F to cog therapies. Both much quicker, whereas CBT requires keeping diaries and homework tasks = much longer. Flooding - less effort so more people likely to stick to it as no major impact on everyday life. WHEREAS CBT may be burden on busy people, high attrition rates
Weakness of behavioural treatment for phobias
MAY NOT ADDRESS ROOT CAUSE OF PHOBIA.- psychoanalysts would say too focused on symptoms and ignores real cause - traumatic childhoods repressed by unconscious mind. - Alleviates anxiety but not fix phobia. - ineffective in long run.
Weakness of behavioural treatment for phobias 2
FLOODING - TRAUMATIC- patients feeling extreme emotion - fainting/breathing probs. 1)People w respiratory issues may be put off.2) People have todrop treatment and make phobia worse. SD = more appropriate than flooding.
Behavioural characteristic of depression
Change in Activity , Change in Sleep/Eating, Social Impairment
Emotional characteristic of depression
Depressed mood, Lack of interest/pleasure, Worthlessness
Cognitive characteristic of depression
Reduced concentration, negative beliefs about the self.
Beck's negative triad
negative view of self, world, and future- forms aNEVERENDING,INTRUSIVE CYCLE OF DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS. -negative schemas along w bias maintain triad.
Cognitive biases
Selective attention and overgeneralisation
Ellis' ABC model
Activating event, Beliefs, Consequences- not activating event that causes consequence, but isBELIEF about activating event.IRRATIONAL beliefs lead to negative feelings= depression.
Supporting research for cognitive explanation of depression
KOSTER ET AL- student volunteers in anATTENTION TASK- Positive, negative and neutral words. Depressed ppts - focused on negative words
Supporting research for cognitive explanation of depression 2
Practical application- 1) Led to CBT and 2) Beck reviewed effectiveness and found that it wasHighly effective
Weakness of cog explanation of depression 1
REDUCTIONIST - overly focused on internal mental thoughts. 1)Ignores BIOLOGICAL FACTORS like NTs. 2) SSRI effectiveness adds further validity.
Weakness of cog explanation of depression 2
CORRELATION - dofaulty schemas lead to depressionor depression or does depression lead to faulty schemas. LATTER/FORMER. - MCGUFFIN - 46% MZ twins, 20% DZ twins
Thought Catching
Helps identify automatic thoughts about self, world and future. Done through discussions or homework (journaling/diary)
Challenging beliefs
Once thoughts have been identified, therapist challenges them through discussion by using evidence to disprove the thoughts. REALITY TESTING
A therapy for depression focusing on encouraging patients to engage in those activities they previously enjoyed.Graded hw
Ellis' REBT
To identify and dispute irrational thoughts.
3 types of disputing
Empirical, logical, pragmatic
Empirical disputing
Is there evidence?
Logical disputing
Does it make sense?
Pragmatic disputing
Are irrational beliefs helpful? e.g. How is this belief actually going to help me?
Effect of disputing
Changes irrational beliefs into more rational beliefs.
Strength of cog approach to treating depression
REBT effectivenessin reducing symptoms of moderate/severe depression.DAVID ET AL-compared REBT, CBT and drugsfound that they all were effective.At 6 months,found that REBT was most effective. -REBT - most effective in long run.