Balances demands/resolves conflicts of Id, reality + Superego
Operates on reality principle
Why does the Ego require defence mechanisms?
Protects Ego from conflicts causing psychological trauma
Ego defence mechanisms:
Unconscious unacceptable drives redirected at more acceptable targets
If impulse excessive = neurotic
Neuroses = knowing behaviour is wrong but being unable to stop it
Psychosis = break with reality
Freud: healthy to displace anger to an extent
Inhibited memories/desires stifled in the unconscious
Disorders caused if unsuccessful
If impulse excessive = neurotic
Knowledge of flaws in yourself = psychological pain = hatred
Hatred projected onto other people
Projecting person becomes hostile
Regressing to earlier stage of psychosexual development when they felt safe + the trauma was not a problem
Negative feelings converted into productivity
Development through psychosexual stages
5 phases
Each age = different erogenous zones (pleasure principle focused on different erogenous zones at different points in life; different centres of pleasure e.g clitoris)
Id seeks gratification in different ways
Deprivation/over-gratification = fixation of libido (it gets stuck)
Fixation = disordered adult behaviour
Oral stage
Birth - c. 18 months
Feeding = pleasure (mouth is erogenous zone)
Gratification of Id through mouth
Frustration/overindulgence = fixation
Frustrated fixation = oral aggressive character -> pessimistic, envious, suspicious
Overindulged fixation = oral receptive character -> optimistic, gullible (vulnerable), expecting everything to go right for them
Anal stage
c. 18 months - 3 years
Anus = focus of pleasure
Gratification of Id through retaining/expelling faeces = first experience of control
Frustration/overindulgence = fixation
Frustrated fixation = anal retentive character -> obsessed with hygiene/neatness,stingy,controlling
Overindulged fixation = anal repulsive character -> disorganised,defiant,reckless
Phallic stage
c. 3 years - 5/6 years
Gratification of Id through genital stimulation
Key stage: 1st gender differences occur (due to complexes being different for girls + boys -> necessary for healthy psychological development)
Phallic stage -> boys
Oedipus complex (kill father + marry mother)
Sexual rivalry with father
Fear of father castrating them + guilt for hating him
Identification with father through getting closer with him due to guilt = complex resolved
Phallic stage -> girls
Electra complex (desire for father but knows she can’t have him so wants to be like him + hates mother for not making her male)
Penis envy (wants to be like father + penises = more societally acceptable)
Fear + guilt (fear of mother killing her because she wants to kill mother + guilt for hating mother)
Identification with mother through getting closer with her due to guilt = complex resolved
Latency stage
c. 5/6 years - puberty
Libido = dormant
Genital stage
Puberty onwards
Libido focused on others
A&E point 1: research evidence support
Anna O case study -> psychoanalytic therapy = repressed trauma brought into conscious = symptoms disappeared
Shows that making unconscious traumas/complexes conscious = resolution
Psychoanalytic therapy = effective treatment
A&E point 2: psychodynamic approach isn‘t scientific = evidence weakened
Subjectivity -> interpretation of Anna O’s symptoms may have been wrong + she may have got better through talking to a man she admired + paid attention to her
Psychodynamic approach may not be accurate as research support is subjective
A&E point 3: psychodynamic approach’s key concepts = unfalsifiable
Tripartite personality/defence mechanisms/unconscious drives/unconscious mind = impossible to measure objectively + can’t be tested empirically
We can’t recognise what it would take to disprove these concepts -> too unscientific
A&E point 4: psychodynamic approach has great explanatory power to support it
Humans frequently show irrational behaviours = hard to account for unless existence/impact of conscious mind acknowledged
E.g. denial explains now a person will keep drinking alcohol despite it becoming a problem
Case study 1: Little Hans
Boy with Oedipus Complex (feared horses as they represented his father + wanted to marry his mother)
Complex resolved once he talked about it openly with his father (complex brought into conscious mind)
Case study 2: Anna O
Woman with psychosomatic symptoms whose father had just died
Psychoanalytical therapy (Freud's 'talking cure') brought complex into conscious + resolved it = her symptoms disappeared