
Cards (12)

  • Cognitive approach assumptions
    the mind is like a computer eg MSM
    importance of schemas - cognitive framework
  • Strengths + weaknesses of cognitive approach
    S - scientific, high in validity + real life application, learning info
    W - machine reductionist - mind like a computer is too simplistic it ignores emotions
  • Biological approach main assumptions
    behaviour is the consequence of hormone, neural correlates, genes
    role of the geno + pheno type
  • Cognitive neuroscience main assumptions
    Uses techniques such as FMRI + EEG to study the brain
    aims to link cognitive behaviours with brain structures
  • Strengths + Weaknesses of cognitive neuroscience
    S - Scientific
    W - FMRI is very expensive which makes it less accessible to researchers
    limited in what we can study - people are constrained cannot study social interactions
  • Psychodynamic approaches main assumptions
    Role of the unconscious - behaviour is driven by unconscious but unaware
    ID, Ego + superego - immediate gratification
    Psychosexual stages - oral, phallic, latency, anal, adolescent
  • Strengths + weaknesses of the psychodynamic approach
    S - uses case studies, little Hans
    W - Psychic determinism, childhood experiences determine behaviours
    Androcentrism, freud looked at feminity as failed masculinity
  • Behaviourist approach main assumptions
    Born as a blank slate, behaviour is learnt from environment - classical conditioning + operant conditioning
    role of reinforcement - positive + negative
  • Introspection

    systematic analysis of ones own conscious experiences in response to a standardised stimulus such as a metronome
  • Structuralism 

    involves breaking down reactions into their individual components
  • Wundt
    Father of psychology
    opened the first lab in Germany
    moved from philosophical roots to scientific branch
  • Strengths + weaknesses of Wundt
    S - more scientific, standardised stimulus increasing the credibility
    W - self reporting is still subjective not scientific