
Cards (63)

  • Value consensus
    shared set of norms and values
  • Murdock 1949

    argues that the family is used to meet society's needs. these are economic, sexual, reproductive and educational
  • Parsons 1955

    Believes that the family is a functional fit, pre-industrial extended family working on the farms, post-industrial nuclear family easier to move
  • Ascribed
    fixed status from birth
  • Achieved status
    earn their status through work
  • Engles
    Believes the family keeps the rich, rich. Their was a promiscuous horde so marriage was created to ensure inheritance was passed down through the family
  • Promiscuous horde
    Tribal society, no sexual restrictions
  • Zaretsky
    Argues the family benefits capitalism through creating an illusion that private property of the family is separate the economy. Provides a place to release their frustration of working life
  • Unit of consumption/ pester power
    must keep up with material goods + children desire things so parents feel pressured into buying them
  • Bourgeoisie
    Upper class
  • Proletariat
    working class
  • Instrumental role 

    men: breadwinner
  • Expressive role
    women: looking after the children and the house
  • segregated conjugal roles
    couples doing separate roles
  • joint conjugal roles
    share the tasks within the family
  • Willmott + Young 1973

    the family is improving as it is becoming more equal
  • Ann Oakley 1974

    criticise willmott + young and instead argues that women today suffer dual burden with the home life, children and working
  • Edgell 1980

    found that very important decisions were made by men, important were made together and less important just women
  • Laurie + gershuny 2000

    found by 1995 70% of couples were having equal says in the decision making
  • Pooling money
    all money going into the same account
  • Coleman et al 2007 

    found that women were more likely to experience it than more, 2 women a week are killed by a partner or an ex
  • Crime survey statistics (domestic abuse)
    7.3% of women compared to 5% of men
  • Radical feminists explanation of domestic violence 

    emphasises the role of the patriarchal ideas, cultural ideas + values
  • Materialist explanation of domestic violence
    emphasises the economic factors such as a lack of resources
  • Wilkinson + Pickett
    found that stress on family members causes by social inequalities could lead to domestic violence
  • March of progress sociologists argue childhood today has improved...
    infant mortality rates decreased, child protection laws, free education + healthcare
  • Before children were.....
    Economic asset
  • Now children are...
    economic liability
  • socially construct
    something created by society
  • Aries 1960
    Argues that in the Middle Ages childhood did not exist, studied painting "mini adults"
  • Neil Postman 1994
    childhood is disappearing, children are entering the adult world quicker due to technology + media
  • Sue Palmer 2007
    toxic childhood, due to technology + cultural changes it is causing problems with PIES development
  • Child centred
    Children are at the focal point of the family
  • Children, up to 21st birthday, cost a family
    1/4 of a million
  • Childhood worldwide
    Some children have adult responsibilities such as having children young, getting married young, looking after the family + child soldiers
  • Birth rates statistic
    1.5 children to every child bearing women
  • Why has their been a decreased in birth rates
    Changes in women's positions, decline infant mortality, economic liability
  • Death rates
    Life expectancy has increase
  • Why are people living longer
    public healths measure, medical improvement, smoking, diet
  • Effects of the ageing population

    public services, dependency ratio, ageism