argues that the family is used to meet society's needs. these are economic, sexual, reproductive and educational
Parsons 1955

Believes that the family is a functional fit, pre-industrial extended family working on the farms, post-industrial nuclear family easier to move
fixed status from birth
Achieved status
earn their status through work
Believes the family keeps the rich, rich. Their was a promiscuous horde so marriage was created to ensure inheritance was passed down through the family
Promiscuous horde
Tribal society, no sexual restrictions
Argues the family benefits capitalism through creating an illusion that private property of the family is separate the economy. Provides a place to release their frustration of working life
Unit of consumption/ pester power
must keep up with material goods + children desire things so parents feel pressured into buying them
Upper class
working class
Instrumental role 

men: breadwinner
Expressive role
women: looking after the children and the house
segregated conjugal roles
couples doing separate roles
joint conjugal roles
share the tasks within the family
Willmott + Young 1973

the family is improving as it is becoming more equal
Ann Oakley 1974

criticise willmott + young and instead argues that women today suffer dual burden with the home life, children and working
Edgell 1980

found that very important decisions were made by men, important were made together and less important just women
Laurie + gershuny 2000

found by 1995 70% of couples were having equal says in the decision making
Pooling money
all money going into the same account
Coleman et al 2007 

found that women were more likely to experience it than more, 2 women a week are killed by a partner or an ex
Crime survey statistics (domestic abuse)
7.3% of women compared to 5% of men
Radical feminists explanation of domestic violence 

emphasises the role of the patriarchal ideas, cultural ideas + values
Materialist explanation of domestic violence
emphasises the economic factors such as a lack of resources
Wilkinson + Pickett
found that stress on family members causes by socialinequalities could lead to domestic violence
March of progress sociologists argue childhood today has improved...