Medieval Medicine

Cards (19)

  • Who created the Thoery of the 4 humours
  • What rational causes for disease were believed during medeival time
    The Theory of the 4 humours
    Miasma ( bad air )
  • What Supernatural causes for disease were believed in Medieval Britain
    Punishment by God
    Supernatural Evil like demons and witches
    Astrology and the way planets aligned
  • What type of calendar did doctors own related to astrology
  • How was disease treated in Medeival Britain
    Blood letting and purging
    Prayer and pilgrimages
    Herbal remedies
  • How did people try to prevent disease
    Purify the air to clear miasma by carrying posies and oranges
    Praying to god
    Carrying diamonds , rupies or charms
  • When did the Black Death arrive in Britain
  • What two types of plague were there and how did they spread
    Bubonic plague spread by bites of fleas from rats
    Pneumonic plague was airborne
  • How much of the population was estimated to have died due to the plague
    A third of the population between years 1348-50
  • What did people believe caused the plague
    Punishment sent by god
    Humour imbalance
  • In what year did Edward III decide to close Parliament 

  • What did the town of Gloucester try to do
    Shut themselves off from the outside world but were unsuccessful
  • Who were Physicians
    Male doctors who had trained at university for 7 years. They were very expensive as only few but they had little practical experience
  • Who were apothecaries
    Prepared and sold remedies , they were accessible and cheap
  • Who were Barber surgeons
    People who carried out dangerous surgery and had little medical training
  • How important was religion and the church
    Very influential and they supported Hippocrates and GAllen so other people had to as well
  • What did the Church ban during this time
  • What were most Hospitals run by
  • Were there many hospitals
    No there were few and they mainly focused on care rather than treatment