main beliefs of the Catholics, Protestants and Puritans

Cards (6)

  • Catholic beliefs:
    > Wanted church services and the Bible to be in Latin.
    > Believed priests should not marry so they can stay fully devoted to God.
  • Catholic beliefs:
    >Believed in transubstantiation—a miracle takes place during the Eucharist.
  • Protestant beliefs:
    > Believed the monarch should be the Supreme Head of Church.
    > Believed that expensive churches went against the teachings of Jesus and were a distraction to prayer, so they wanted simple churches.
  • Protestant beliefs:
    > Wanted church services to be in English.
    > Believed priests should be allowed to marry.
  • Protestant beliefs:
    > Believed in consubstantiation—no miracle takes place and the Eucharist is symbolic.
  • Puritan (extreme Protestant) beliefs:
    > Wanted the Church to be run by committees.
    > Wanted very simple and plain churches– with whitewashed walls, no stained glass windows and plain tables instead of altars.