Narrative account 1846-1847

Cards (6)

  • Anti-Mormon hostility, which included mob attacks, led Brigham Young to leave the United States.
  • To find a new settlement, a group of Mormons left Illinois for Omaha (February 1846), setting up rest camps along the Missouri River for groups to follow
  • After congregating in Omaha an advance party of about 150 set off (April 1847) for the Great Salt Lake along a route north of the Oregon Trail to avoid conflict with other settlers.
  • Following the route set out by the advance party, a larger group set off with a clear path along the route
  • The main party arrived at the Great Salt Lake (August 1847), having followed the Mormon Trail laid by the advance party.
  • The Mormon Trail would now allow thousands of Mormons in organised wagon trains to migrate to an established settlement at the Great Salt Lake.