Covert participant observation raises serious ethical (moral) issues for researchers. These often conflict with the practical advantage it brings of observing natural behaviour.
Researchers should obtain the informed consent of the subjects, and reveal the purpose of the study and the uses to which its findings will be put. With covert observation, this cannot normally be done, at least until afterward.
Covert observers may have to lie about their reasons for leaving the group at the end of their research. Others, such as Patrick, simply abandon the group without explanation. Critics argue that this is unethical.
Practical disadvantages - very time-consuming, requires training, personal characteristics may restrict what groups can be studied, groups may not wish to be studied
Ethical problems - covert observation involves deception and participation in illegal/immoral activities
Representativeness - small, haphazardly selected groups, not a sound basis for generalization
Reliability - difficult to replicate due to dependence on personal skills of the researcher, qualitative data makes comparisons difficult
Bias and lack of objectivity - risk of 'going native' and presenting a one-sided view, sympathies with the underdog may lead to biased accounts
Validity - positivists argue findings are merely subjective impressions of the observer, HawthorneEffect undermines naturalistic account
Lack of a concept of structure - focuses on micro-level interactions and meanings, ignores wider structural forces
Positivists reject participant observation because its lack of structure means it cannot be replicated or results quantified. They favour structured non-participant observation because it achieves their main goals of reliability, generalisability and cause-and-effect relationships.
Interpretivists favour unstructured participant observation because it achieves their main goal of validity, showing what people actually do rather than just what they say.