Specialised cells

Cards (19)

  • Sperm cell
    An animal cell with a head containing genetic material for fertilisation and a tail for swimming to the egg cell
  • Nerve cell
    An extended animal cell with many branches that sends electrical messages around the body
  • Muscle cell
    An animal cell that contains sliding protein fibres to contract and allow movement
  • Red blood cell
    An animal cell that has lost its nucleus to make remove for haemoglobin, a protein that binds to oxygen
  • Intestinal epithelial cell
    An animal cell that is responsible for molecule absorption in the intestines, these cells have many tiny folds called microvilli that increase the surface area for absorption
  • Root hair cellโ€จ
    A plant cell which has a large surface area and thin walls to absorb water and minerals
  • Xylem cell
    A hollow plant cell with thick walls containing lignin to transport water and minerals through the plant
  • Phloem cell
    A living plant cell with sieve plate pores to transport dissolved sugars throughout the plant
  • Cell differentiationโ€จ
    A process where cells change shape and structure to produce different functions
  • Undifferentiated cell
    A cell that has not yet acquired a special structure or function, such as a stem cell
  • Repair
    The restoration of damaged cells
  • Replacement
    When new cells replace damaged cells
  • Cell division of undifferentiated cellsโ€จ
    Occurs in developing organisms or embryos prior to cell specialisation
  • Specialised cell
    A cell which has differentiated to produce a new function
  • Axonโ€จ
    The longest part of a nerve cell which carries the electrical impulse
  • Dendriteโ€จ
    The parts of the nerve cell which makes connections
  • Myelin sheath
    The fatty insulation of a nerve axon
  • Acrosome
    Part of the head of a sperm cell that contains digestive enzymes to penetrate the egg cell
  • Ligninโ€จ
    A chemical that provides support to xylem cells and prevents the unwanted movement of water into nearby cells