Compliance Definition etc

Cards (7)

  • Compliance - Definition:
    • Compliance refers to the distensibility (stretchiness) of an elastic structure
    • The change in pulmonary volume per unit pressure change
    • In health respiratory system highly compliant and needs little pressure to change volume on inspiration
    • Lungs most compliant above Functional Residual Capacity (FRC is the amount of air left in the lungs after normal expiration)
    • For effective inspiration to occur BOTH the lungs and chest wall must be compliant
  • Compliance Curve
    • The distensibility of the lungs is called lung compliance
    • The distensibility of the chest wall is called chest wall compliance
  • Chest wall compliance + Lung compliance = Total Lung Compliance
    • To maintain efficient inspiration, total lung compliance must be optimal
    • Any pathology which reduces the compliance of EITHER the chest wall OR the lung will reduce total lung compliance and make inspiration more difficult
    • Reduced total lung compliance leads to limited or reduced inspiration
  • Consequences of Reduced Compliance:
    1. Reduced total lung compliance ->
    2. Increase in respiratory load and Increase in work of breathing / O2 consumption ->
    3. Respiratory muscle fatigue ->
    4. Inadequate alveolar ventilation ->
    5. Respiratory failure ->
  • Respiratory disease characterised by reduced total lung compliance is classified as Restrictive lung disease