origins + emergence

Cards (16)

  • birth of psychology - who and when?
    wundt 1879
  • what did wundt suggest
    that the human mind can be studied scientifically
  • where was wundts first psychology lab
    leipzig germany
  • timeline of psychology
    1870s - Wundt introspection
    1900s - Freud psychodynamic approach
    1920-30s - behaviourism
    1950s - humanism
    1960s - cognitive and social psychology
    1980s - biological approach
    2000s - cognitive neuroscience
    wundt freud being happy social cunts because cats
  • introspection meaning
    examining ones own mental activity and breaking down conscious awareness into basic structures of thoughts and sensation = structuralism
  • introspection method
    recorded under strict, controlled conditions:
    • same surroundings
    • same stimulus
    • same verbal instructions
    • emphasis on measurement
  • what did wundt originally believe?
    that all aspects of human experiences could be studied like this but later realised that higher mental processes (emotion) cannot
  • introspection wundt AO3 - unreliable method
    -individual differences = different results (even people trained in introspection would give different responses to the same stimulus)

    :( behaviourists already getting reliable and replicable results that can be generalised to humans
  • introspection wundt AO3 - kids + animals?
    -kids have limited vocabulary and articulation ability
    -animals thoughts cant be studied
    :( behaviourists only focus on observable behaviour so they have the upper hand
  • introspection wundt AO3 - subjective
    -only the individual can report their own mental processes
    -complex topics like mental disorders/personality cant be studied
  • introspection wundt AO3- other studies
    -people use it alongside more scientific methods to investigate thought processes (griffiths gambling study)
  • what is science?
    the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
  • falsifiability?

    must have the ability to prove it wrong
  • objectivity?

    must be observable, factual and unbiased
  • replicability?

    the ability to replicate and find the same results
  • why is the scientific method good?
    -can separate fact from opinion
    -can establish cause and effect
    -provides support for theories, can replicate