
Cards (12)

  • What is dimensional analysis
    Finding units using estimation
  • using dimensional analysis, find the units for resistivity (p = RL/A) where R = resistance, L=length and A= area
    ohm meters
  • What is precision
    In an experiment repeated under the same conditions how close results are to each other
  • what is accuracy
    How close the obtained value is to the actual value
  • How do you find absolute error from a graph
    Add line of best fit
    add error bars
    draw line of worst fit max and min
    gradient of LOWF max - gradient of LOBF
    or gradient of LOBF - gradient of LOWF min
  • How do you find error percentage from a graph
    (Uncertainty/gradient of best fit) x 100
  • What is uncertainty
    + or - half the smallest measurement
  • What is the uncertainty of multiple readings?
    Half the range
  • How do you find percentage uncertainty?
    divide the uncertainty by the measured value and then multiply by 100.
  • What happens to uncertainties when adding or subtracting values?
    add the ABSOLUTE uncertainties
  • What happens when multiplying or dividing data with uncertainties?
    Add the PERCENTAGE uncertainties
  • What happens to uncertainties when raising a value to a power?
    multiply PERCENTAGE uncertainty by that power