The Beat Generation

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  • 'Beat Generation'
    Mostly middle-class young people who rejected materialism, consumer culture & conformity for a lifestyle characterised by spontaneity, drugs, free love & a general defiance of authority & convention
  • Members of the 'beat generation'
    • Group of Columbia University students
    • Allen Ginsberg
    • Jack Kerouac
  • Allen Ginsberg gained fame & critical acclaim after the public readings of 'Howl'
  • The poem 'Howl' was written under the influence of drugs, homosexuality & nonconformity
  • San Francisco police seized copies of 'Howl' and the subsequent trial attracted national attention to 'beats'
  • Judge W.J Clayton Horn rejected the obscenity charges against 'Howl'
  • Jack Kerouac began writing a book about his travels as a young drifter, observing the empty life of contemporary America
  • Kerouac's writing style in the book 'On the Road' owned much to the rush of sensation he got from smoking marijuana as he wrote
  • Viking published Kerouac's 'On the Road' in 1957 after removing much of the description of drug use & homosexual practices
  • 'On the Road' immediately received critical acclaim