Ethnicity and crime

Cards (4)

  • Ethnicity and criminalization= Black people make up 3% of the population but 13% of prison population. Institutional racism (MacPherson report), Philips and Bowling found people identify offenders as black even if they don't remember
  • Differences in offending= 90% of crimes are reported by the public so it can't just be institutionial racism. Cashmore adapted Merton's strain theory to say ethnic people have blocked opportunities so must turn to crime
  • Ethnic differences in offending= Hirschi, right realist, "control theory" differences in Black and Asian criminality is due to levels of control in their lives (Asians have larger familys and religion)
    But Asian people have higher arrest rates
  • Ethnicity and victimisation= Steven Lawrence, 60000 racially aggravated offenses a year