Common, small (most <1 mm), mainly aquatic animals
Mostly free-living and found in freshwater environments; some are parasites; some terrestrial
Corona - ciliated, food-gathering organ at tip of head (filter-feeders)
Body=coronoa+ trunk+ foot (these end by one, two or many toes)
Feet contain pedal glands whose secretion is used for anchorage
Sometimes called "wheel animals" because of appearance of beating cilia
True digestive tract with mouth, modified pharynx called mastax, short esophagus and intestine that open in the cloaca at the end of the trunk
Two salivary glands open in the mastax and two digestive glands open in the stomach
Hydrostatic skeleton with rudimentary circulatory system
Excretion by protonephridia that join in a bladder and open in the cloaca
Separate sexes and internal fertilization; some species with parthenogensis – development of unfertilized eggs