Body covered by cuticle secreted by epidermis, with many unicellular mucus glands
Muscular system with circular, longitudinal, oblique, and dorso-ventral bands of fibers
Mesenchyme between muscles and internal organs reduces coelom to a system of canals and sinuses
Digestive tract includes mouth, muscular pharynx with salivary glands and jaws, esophagus, long crop with lateral pouches, slender intestine, short rectum, and anus
Circulatory system composed of longitudinal sinuses and vessels, dorsal and ventral sinuses, and two lateral vessels, with many cross-connections
Respiration via network of capillaries beneath epidermis
Excretion by up to 17 pairs of nephridia, with nephrostomes opening into non-ciliated capsules that produce coelomocytes
Nervous system with dorsal ganglia, paired connectives to ventral nerve cord with segmental ganglia, and sensory structures including taste cells, tactile organs, eyes, and other sensillae
Male reproductive system with 9 pairs of testes, ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct, and penis
Female reproductive system with two ovaries, oviducts, albumen gland, and median vagina