Chp 10

Cards (5)

  • Bryozoans
    Also known as moss animals, unsegmented lophophorate coelomates
  • Bryozoans
    • Body covered by a chitinous, gelatinous or calcareous exoskeleton
    • Digestive system is U-shaped with mouth surrounded by a crown of hollow ciliated tentacles called lophophore, esophagus, stomach with caecum, and intestine that opens outside the lophophore
    • Lophophore extends by increasing coelomic pressure and withdraws by retractor muscles attached to the body wall
    • Food driven to the mouth through beating of cilia on tentacles
    • Sessile, most are polymorphic and colonial
    • Lack special systems for respiration, circulation and excretion - all these functions take place by diffusion
    • Nervous system includes a ganglion and a nerve ring around the anterior part of the gut, with nerve fibers extending to the lophophore and other organs
  • Colony (zooarium)
    Includes feeding individuals (autozooids), and heterozooids such as reproductive individuals (ovicells) and defensive individuals (avicularia), and in some species vibracula
  • Reproduction
    1. Asexual reproduction by budding
    2. Sexual reproduction by shedding gametes into the coelom where fertilization occurs
    3. Larva called cyphonautes released in water, settles down and develops a new colony
    4. Freshwater species produce internal buds called statoblasts during unfavorable conditions
  • Freshwater species
    • Bugula