pregnancy tests

Cards (6)

  • Monoclonal antibodies
    Antibodies that are specific to a particular antigen (in this case, hCG)
  • Pregnancy test

    A quick, reliable way of finding out whether a woman is pregnant
  • hCG
    A hormone produced by pregnant women and excreted in their urine
  • How a pregnancy test works
    1. Urine is applied to the test strip
    2. hCG in the urine binds to the monoclonal antibodies on the blue beads
    3. The blue beads with bound hCG are trapped by the fixed monoclonal antibodies on the test strip
    4. A blue line appears, indicating a positive result
  • Most pregnancy tests have two lines, with the second line acting as a controller
  • Different pregnancy tests may work differently, so it's important to read the instructions before use