02. Ionotropic Receptors and Synapses

Cards (5)

  • excitatory synapses generate an EPSP
  • inhibitory synapses generate an IPSP
    • NTs = glycine in the spinal cord and GABA in the brain
    • receptors lead to chlorine channels opening causing hyperpolarisation
  • glutamate is the main excitatory NT in the brain
  • glutamate has two receptor types: NMDA and AMPA
    • both permeable to Na+ and K+ (Na+ entry exceeds K+ exit leading to excitation)
    • NMDA permeable to Ca2+ too
    AMPA is rapid while NMDA is slow
  • NMDA is blocked by extracellular Mg2+at -80mVs, and APV (drug)
    • NMDA is voltage sensitive as depolarisation removes this block
    • Ca2+ enters which is associated with plasticity
    • therefore strong depolarisation = Ca2+ entry
    • leads to often used connections becoming stronger