Cards (7)

  • Contraceptives
    Used to reduce fertility and prevent pregnancy
  • Infertile
    Unable to have children naturally
  • Increasing fertility using hormones
    1. Give FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) to stimulate ovaries to mature eggs
    2. Give LH (luteinizing hormone) to stimulate ovulation
  • IVF (in vitro fertilization)

    Fertilization of eggs outside the body, in a laboratory
  • IVF process
    1. Stimulate egg maturation with FSH and LH
    2. Collect eggs from woman's ovaries
    3. Fertilize eggs with sperm in lab
    4. Incubate fertilized eggs (embryos)
    5. Transfer embryo(s) to woman's uterus
  • Genetic testing of embryos
    Allows screening for diseases and selecting characteristics like gender or eye color
  • Genetic selection of embryos is currently illegal in the UK and most other countries