
Cards (9)

  • Orbital group:
    • obicularis oculi (2) - CLOSES EYE (orbital forcefully/palpebral gently)
    • corrugator supercilii - DEEP to obicularis oculi, draws eyelids ot midline -> vertical wrinkle above nose
  • Nasal group: SUP. TO INF.
    • Procerus - draws eyebrows down --> transverse wrinkles over nose
    • Nasalis (2)- transverse: compresses nares + alar: flares nares
    • Depressor septi nasi - widens the nares
  • Oral group: facial expression
    • obicularis oris - purses mouth (whistling)
    • buccinator - cheek, forces air expanding the cheek out of the mouth
  • Buccinator
    Lower fibers enter lower lip and upper fibers enter upper lip.
    FALSE. Lower fibers enter upper lip and upper fibers enter lower lip.
  • Oral group lower: facial expression
    • depressor anguli oris - depresses corner of mouth during frowning
    • depressor labii inferioris - depresses lower lip and moves it laterally
    • mentalis - positions the lip during drinking and pouting + wrinkles the skin of the chin
  • oral group upper: facial expression
    • risorius - helps to produce smile :0) and pulls corner of mouth laterally and upward
    • zygomaticus major and minor - helps produce smile :0) and raises corner of mouth and move it laterally
  • oral group upper: facial expression
    • levator labii superioris - deepens furrow bwn nose and corner of mouth when :0(
    • levator labii superioris alaeque nasi - lifts the lip up and flares the nares
    • levator anguli oris - deep to other levators and zygomaticus, deepens furrow bwn nose and corner of mouth when :0(
  • muscles of facial expression: auricular group
    • ANT.
    • SUP.
    • POST. --> auricular
    • ALL move ear/wiggles ears
  • facial muscles that don't fit in the groups:
    • platysma - large superior sheet of muscle in neck, tenses skin in neck and moves corners of mouth down
    • occipitofrontalis - moves the scalp, wrink forehead and raises eyebrows (frontal and occipital bellies + aponeurotic layer)