
Cards (9)

  • Structural adaptations

    • Physical features of an organism, like shape or colour
  • Structural adaptations

    • Seals and walruses having a rounded shape and thick fat to conserve body heat
    • Seals and walruses having a grey-brown colour to camouflage from predators
  • Behavioral adaptations
    • The way an organism behaves or acts
  • Behavioral adaptations
    • Elephants flapping their ears and spraying themselves with water to cool down
    • Swallows and other birds migrating to warmer countries in winter to avoid cold and lack of food
  • Functional adaptations

    • Processes going on inside an organism's body, like metabolism or reproductive system
  • Functional adaptations

    • Desert animals conserving water by producing little sweat and concentrated urine
    • Camels accumulating fat in humps to release water later
  • Extremophiles are microorganisms adapted to live in extreme environments
  • Extremophiles
    • Living in hot springs at high temperatures
    • Living in salt lakes at high salt concentrations
    • Living at high pressures in deep sea vents
  • In 2017, astronauts found bacteria on the outside of the International Space Station