John the Baptist's task was to prepare the way for Jesus' ministry by calling people to repentance and conversion.
John the Baptist announced that a whole new "kingdom," a new society, was about to begin and that the people should get ready for it.
The sign or symbol he used to express this change of heart, this openness of mind, and spirit to what was to come, was the ritual of baptism through bathing.
The act of bathinginwater as a sign of spiritual purification was a common religious symbol for many religions, including Judaism.
By accepting the baptism of John in the Jordan River, people acknowledged their sinfulness, and their desire to change their lives and to join Him in the new kingdom He was proclaiming.
however, if John's baptism was for repentance from sin and conversion, then why did Jesus submit himself to it? Jesus wanted to set an example for those around Him.
His submission to John's baptism was not an indication that He was a sinner and, therefore needed forgiveness.
It was an act of solidarity with the people; a decision to completely immerse Himself with the experiences, concerns, aspirations, dreams, and visions of the people.
His initiative to approach John and eventually be baptized was a manifestation of His concern for the poor and the oppressed of society.
The baptismof Jesus truly marked the beginning of His public ministry— a ministry of healing, forgiveness, inspiration, and compassion for others.
Baptism - the sacrament that makes us children of God
Christening - the religious ceremony of baptizing and naming a child.
Christian - a person who believes in Jesus and acknowledges His divinity.
Conversion (Metanoia) - a change of heart for the better.
Water - a sign of being cleansed and purified from our sinfulness.
White Cloth - a symbol of new life in Christ as a child of God sharing in His Divine life.
Fire - stands for the Risen Christ, the true light of our life.
Oil of Chrism - perfumed oil, a sign of being anointed by God and the person's participation in Jesus' mission.
Symbols in the Rite of Baptism
Chrism Oil
White Garment
John the Baptist announces the coming of a new kingdom, a new society.
The baptismal rite of Jesus does not open Jesus' mission but calls for the people to acknowledge their sinfulness and tread the path of conversion.
Jesus' act of submission to baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan RIver was an act of solidarity with the people, being one of the poor and the oppressed.
Two important significance events happened after Jesus was baptized:
The sky opened and the Spirit of God descended like a dove and hovered above Him.
A voice from heaven said that God is well - pleased with Jesus, His Son.
Jesus' baptism showed His acceptance of the mission given by God, We, as baptized, also share in Christ's mission.