Tissue may be softened by soaking in a small dish or bowl containing water with detergent, phenol or molliflex
RSN: Clearing agent turns milky as soon as tissue is placed in it
Water not completely removed due to incomplete dehydration
RMD: Clearing agent turns milky as soon as tissue is placed in it
Repeat dehydration with absolute alcohol then clear again
RSN: On trimming, tissue smells of clearing agent
Clearing agent not completely removed due to insufficient impregnation
RMD: On trimming, tissue smells of clearing agent
Block is trimmed down nearest to the tissue. Remaining wax is melted on embedding oven and paraffin impregnation is repeated, changing the paraffin at least once before blocking
RSN: Tissue is opaque, section cutting is difficult due to presence of alcohol
Insufficient clearing
RMD: Tissue is opaque, section cutting is difficult due to presence of alcohol
Repeat clearing; if object has already been embedded, prolong clearing up to 12 hours, then re-embed
RSN: Tissue shrinks away from wax when trimmed
Insufficient dehydration therefore incomplete clearing and
RMD: Tissue shrinks away from wax when trimmed
Repeat the whole procedure
RSN: Tissue is soft when block is trimmed
Incomplete fixation
RMD: Tissue is soft when block is trimmed
Repeat the whole procedure
RSN: Airholes are found on tissue during trimming
Incomplete impregnation
RMD: Airholes are found on tissue during trimming
Repeat impregnation
RSN: On trimming wax appears crystalline
Contaminated wax
Block not cooled rapidly enough
RMD: On trimming wax appears crystalline
Re-embed in freshly filtered wax
RSN: Paraffin block, after cooling is moist and crumbles
Insufficient paraffin impregnation
RMD: Paraffin block, after cooling is moist and crumbles
Repeat paraffin impregnation, then re-embed
RSN: Inadequate processing of fatty tissues
Routine schedule and reagents may not process fat adequately
RMD: Inadequate processing of fatty tissues
Fatty tissues should be sampled and cut thinly for easy reagent action. Ethanol is a poor fat solvent. To ensure complete dehydration, a far better lipid solvent (acetone or isopropanol) should be inserted before using the final absolute ethanol
RSN: Hard, dense tissues
Tough keratin component of certain tissues
RMD: Hard, dense tissues
Treat fixed tissues using 4% aqueous phenol for 24-72 hrs to soften
RSN: On embedding, tissue is soft and mushy in the center
Inadequate processing due to very thick or fatty sections
RMD: On embedding, tissue is soft and mushy in the center
At gross, cut thin sections especially fatty tissues, ensure complete fixation