Sports injury prevention

Cards (30)

  • A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm or injury
  • A risk refers to the likelihood of a hazard causing harm to persons or damage to property.
  • An accident may be described as a result of a chain of events in which something has gone wrong, resulting in an undesired conclusion.
  • Any damage to your body is an injury. Injuries can be caused by accidents or acts of violence, and may occur at home, work, or play.
    Performance of a task or other activity that is conducted in a manner that may threaten the health and/or safety of an individual.
  • The unsafe condition is a hazardous physical condition or circumstance which could directly permit the occurrence of an accident.
    A risk assessment refers to a careful examination of the factors that could possibly cause harm to personal safety or health.
    It is essential for risks to be controlled. This is usually by elimination or reduction “at source”. If a risk cannot be controlled completely by engineering measures, it is necessary to protect the athletes/players by administrative control or personal protection.
  • Risk evaluation is the process of estimating the risk levels of the identified hazards and if the risks can be accepted. This is used as a basis for prioritizing actions to control identified hazards and thereby, minimizing safety and health risks.
  • Sports injury - injuries that most commonly occur during sports or exercises
  • Dislocation - joint displaced
  • Bruise - soft tissue injury
  • Sprain - overstretched ligament
  • Fracture - cracked or broken bone
  • Concussion - injury to the brain
  • Acute injuries - occur when there is sudden stress on the body
  • Chronic injuries are caused by continuous stress on a body part over a long time
  • R - rest
    i - ice
    c - compression
    e - elevation
  • H - heat
    a - alcohol
    r - running
    m - massage
  • Hard tissue injuries are bone injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries involve damage to skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments or cartilage.
  • Open injury- means that the skin has been broken - blood usually escapes
  • Closed injury - occurs beneath the skin, there is no external bleeding
  • Concussion is a cause of unconsciousness while playing sport
  • D r a b c management
  • Dehydration
    when we exercise, especially in hot condition, the body loses water as a result of sweating
    if the performer does not re-hydrate by drinking lots of water, they may suffer from dehydration
  • Injury diagnosis
    active movements
    passive movements
    skills test
  • Safety measures in sports
    -wear protective gear
    -warm up and cooldown
    -know the rules of the game
    -watch out for others
    -dont play when you’re injured
  • Causes of sports injuries
    -improper or poor training practices
    -wearing improper sporting gear
    -being in poor health condition
    -incorrect warm up or stretching practices before a sporting event or exercise
    -dehydration, heat stroke, hyperthermia and frostbite due to changes in temperature
    -difficulty breathing in places with high pollen counts and poor air quality.
  • 9 pulse locations
    Temporal artery (temporal)
    Carotid artery (neck)
    Apical/apex pulse (heart)
    Brachial (inside the elbow)
    Radial artery (wrist)
    Femoral (the groin)
    Popliteal artery (behind the knee)
    Posterior tibial artery/dorsi (foot)
    Ulnar pulse (little finger)