Lesson 2: Web Page Untangled

Cards (20)

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language
  • HTML - is the foundation of web development, providing the essential components that structure and present content on websites. HTML has its own set of essential elements that form the backbone of web pages.
  • Tags - used by HTML to tell web browsers how to format and display content.
  • <p> tag - defines a paragraph of a text. It's used to separate blocks of text into paragraphs for better readability.
  • <b> tag - defines bold text. It's usually used for emphasis.
  • <i> tag - makes the text italic. It's mostly used for titles and names of particular works to make them stand out.
  • <h1><h6> tag - create a visual and logical hierarchy of the page. They are not intended for styling purposes.
  • <a> tag - defines a hyperlink. It has a required attribute href that defines the
    link's destination — without it, the link simply won't work.
    ('a' means 'anchor')
  • <li> tag - a component consists of two main elements: the tag that identifies the type of list and tags that define the items it contains. The relationship between these elements is called nesting. The most common are numbered or bulleted lists.
  • <ol> tag - defines the type of list. Numbered — or ordered — lists are introduced with the tag <ol>. It works together with list item tag <li> nested within it.
  • <ul> tag - introduces a list marked with bullet points. Use this list when the order of items is not important.
  • <span> tag - is a container tag that has no required attributes, but style, class, and id are common.
  • <div> tag - is a section tag separating the space into smaller containers gives you more control over each area.
  • <img> tag - is used to insert images in the HTML documents. The required attribute is src, indicating the location of the image linked.
  • <iframe> tag - inline frame tag that allows embedding another webpage within your page.
  • <table> tag - comes in handy when arranging data in rows and columns. Table elements usually include several nested tags.
    <tr> - to create rows.
    <td> - to create columns.
    <th> - define a cell as a header for a group of table cells.
  • Tags - HTML Documents are made up of HTML Elements, which are enclosed within tags. Tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets (<>).
  • Attribute - provide additional information about the element. They are placed within the opening tag and are written as name-value pairs, separated by an equals sign (=), and are typically enclosed in double quotes (").
  • Elements - is a combination of a start tag, its attributes, content, and an end tag (if applicable). Together, they define the structure and content of the webpage.
  • Self Closing Tag - Some tags don't have a separate closing tag. They self-close with a slash before the closing angle bracket.