Cards (39)

  • Locomotion
    Moving part of an organism
  • Basic Principles of Locomotion
    • Must be propelled in right direction
    • Support against medium
    • Stable at end of movement
  • Basic Principles of Movement
    • Overcome friction + resistance of medium
    • Requires energy expenditure
    • Chemical kinetic energy
    • Contractile tissue associated with moving parts
    • Co-ordinated by control mechanisms
    • Exerts downwards + backwards force on substratum against friction, resistance & gravity
  • Muscle Tissue
    • Composed of elongated, contractile cells
    • Elastic, stretch + regain original size
    • Well-supplied with blood, O2 + nutrients
    • Amount of blood reaching muscles adjustable
  • Smooth Muscle
    • Unstriated/unstriped
    • Involuntary; controlled by autonomic nervous system
    • Spindle shaped, unbranched
    • 1 nucleus per muscle fibre cell
    • Contracts and fatigues slowly
    • Found in walls of organs (e.g. intestines) + arteries & aids passage of material through them
  • Cardiac Muscle
    • Has striations due to actin/myosin arrangement
    • Myogenic / self-stimulating
    • Rate controlled by autonomic (sympathetic & parasympathetic) nervous system
    • Does not fatigue
    • Fast + coordinated contractions due to electrical synapses at intercalated discs
    • Intercalated discs have gap junctions + desmosomes
    • Branched structure reinforcement
    • 1 nucleus per cell
    • Found only in heart to pump blood
  • Skeletal / Striated Muscle
    • Striated
    • Unbranched; elongated cylindrical shape
    • Multinucleated fibres
    • Contract + fatigue quickly
    • Voluntary; controlled + innervated by somatic nervous system
    • Found attached to bone
    • Mainly concerned with locomotion + voluntary movement; sometimes have role in involuntary movement e.g. shivering
  • Ligaments
    Band/chord of strong, fibrous connective tissue which attach 2 movable bones
  • Tendons
    Chord of dense, fibrous connective tissue connecting muscle to bone
  • Point of Origin

    Fixed, relatively non-movable part of skeleton
  • Insertion
    Movable part of skeleton, moves during muscular contraction
  • Antagonistic Muscles
    • Bring about opposite effect/movement in bone/joint
    • When one contracts, the other relaxes, except to maintain posture (both contract)
    • Flexor muscles contract & bend/flex the joint, making angle between bones smaller
    • Extensor muscles contract & extend the joint, making angle between bones larger
  • Flexion makes bones come closer together
  • Extension separates/moves bones apart
  • Muscle Fibre
    • Surrounded by sarcolemma, contains many multinucleated myofibrils
    • Myofibrils contain series of sarcomeres with specific arrangement of actin & myosin
    • Arranged parallel to each other and have cylindrical shape
    • Surrounded by sarcolemma; sarcoplasm contains many nuclei, sarcoplasmic reticulum + myofibrils
    • Myofibrils run parallel to each other within sarcoplasm of muscle fibre
    • Myofibrils create striated effect due to arrangement of actin + myosin
    • Each muscle has its own abundant blood + nerve supply to produce ATP
  • Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
    • Specialised as SER, surrounds each myofibril and stores Ca2+
    • Near Z-lines, there are infoldings of sarcolemma = T-tubules
  • Sarcomere
    • Repeating units of myofibrils
    • Consists of overlapping filaments of actin & myosin which create cross-striated appearance when aligned with adjacent sarcomeres
    • Largest protein in body = titin, which runs from Z-line to Z-line and holds myosin bundles in centred position + prevent stretching of sarcomere when muscle is relaxed
  • Z-lines
    Anchor actin filaments in place
  • I-band
    Light band, only thin actin filaments present
  • A-band
    Dark band, appear due to overlapping myosin filaments + actin
  • H-zone
    Slightly lighter region in centre of dark A-band since no actin, no overlap, darker than I-band since myosin = thicker
  • M-line
    Centre of A-band, contains proteins which maintain regular arrangement of myosin
  • Myosin
    • 2 polypeptide chains spirally arranged around each other
    • 2 globular heads with actin binding site + ATP binding site
    • Myosin filaments made of many myosin molecules parallel to each other, with heads projecting out at intervals
  • Actin
    • 2 helical strands of globular actin molecules twisted around each other, forming fibrous strand (F-actin)
    • 2 tropomyosin strands longitudinally wrapped around, cover actin-myosin binding sites
    • Troponin bound to tropomyosin at intervals (globular)
  • Excitation + Action Potential
    1. Wave of depolarisation/AP conducted along axon
    2. On reaching synaptic knob, AP causes voltage-gated Ca2+ channels to open, allowing entry of Ca2+ into pre-synaptic cell
    3. Ca2+ helps ACh-containing vessicles fuse with pre-synaptic membrane, causing release of ACh into synaptic cleft by exocytosis
    4. Binding of ACh to receptors on motor end-plate causes ligand-gated Na+ channels to open
    5. This causes depolarisation/EPP in muscle fibre which is propagated along sarcolemma to T-tubules
  • Transverse tubules
    • Run vertically through muscle fibres and are in close association with sarcoplasmic reticulum
    • When AP conducted along T-tubule, causes depolarisation of S.P.R. membrane, opening voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on S.P.R. membrane, allowing Ca2+ to leak out of S.P.R. into sarcoplasm
  • Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
    • Stores Ca2+
    • At rest, Ca2+ is actively (using ATP) pumped into sarcoplasmic reticulum, while voltage-gated Ca2+ channels on SPR membrane are closed, [Ca2+] in S.P.R. = ↑↑
  • Excitation-Contraction Coupling
    Release of Ca2+ into sarcoplasm brings about muscular contraction
  • Role of Ca2+
    • Ca2+, once released into sarcoplasm, can bind to troponin
    • At rest, tropomyosin molecules on actin filaments cover the myosin-binding sites on actin
    • When Ca2+ binds to troponin, change in 3° structure occurs which moves troponin + tropomyosin, exposing the binding sites for myosin on actin
    • Now that binding sites are uncovered, activated myosin heads can bind to actin forming cross bridges
  • Activation of Myosin
    • For myosin to be activated, ATP must be available to bind to myosin head
    • When ATP binds to myosin head, ATPases hydrolyse it into ADP + Pi = activation of myosin
  • Cross-Bridge Formation
    1. Activated myosin head fits into exposed binding site on actin (thanks to Ca2+) to form cross-bridge
    2. Cross-bridge strengthened by release of Pi, initiating power stroke
  • Power Stroke
    1. ADP is released
    2. Causes myosin head to bend (power stroke)
    3. Causes actin filaments to slide inwards towards M-band (centre of sarcomere) - sliding filament
  • Cross-Bridge Detachment
    1. Another ATP molecule binds to myosin head
    2. Causes conformational change which causes actin-myosin cross-bridge to detach
  • As muscle contracts, filaments slide, sarcomere shortens + band pattern changes
    • A-band stays same length/size (myosin does not get shorter due to more overlap)
    • I-band get shorter (slide + more overlap)
    • Z-lines move closer to each other
  • Reactivation of Myosin
    To reactivate itself, myosin head ATPases hydrolyse ATP to ADP + Pi, an exergonic process which releases energy for return myosin to its original position where it can again form a new cross-bridge, so long as Ca2+ is still present in sarcoplasm
  • Cycle can repeat itself over + over again so long as Ca2+ + ATP available
  • Once excitation stops, [Ca2+] in sarcoplasm decreases since voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close again, causing tropomyosin to cover binding sites again, stopping contractions
  • Energy Supply for Skeletal Muscles
    • ATP is essential for muscle contractions
    • Main source of energy for muscles = glucose from blood, glycogen stores, fatty acids
    • O2 generally supplied by Hb, muscles also have their own store of O2 in myoglobin
    • Resting muscle = ↓ ATP levels quickly used up when active + must be restored until rate of aerobic resp. ↑
    • Phosphocreatine used - donates P, to ADP forming ATP, only for short-term (=1min) + eventually must be replenished
    • When activity level ↑, O₂ supply becomes insufficient, switch to anaerobic respiration + create O2 debt, anaerobic resp. causes lactic acid accumulation = muscle fatigue + cramps
    • Tolerance + endurance built up by training