what are the Christian views on abortion (9)
- sanctity of life arguments: life is a gift from God and each person has a soul made in the image of God
- Bible: Genesis ('go forth and multiply') and Exodus ('do not commit murder')
- only God has authority to give and take life
- RCC: abortion is against natural law (breaks precept to live and protect innocent) and foetus has 'personhood' status from moment of conception
- liberal Christians - allow abortion in certain circumstances (e.g. rape, incest, disability)
- double effect theory - used to justify abortion in cases such as ectopic pregnancies where the mother's life is at risk
- situation ethics: personalism and relativism
- Quiverfull (instruction to have children and not use contraception)
- Aquinas: ensoulment occurs at 40 days for boys and 90 days for girls so causing a miscarriage prior isn't murder