Cards (57)

  • Community health/ Public health
    The science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health and efficiency through organize community effort.
  • Community health/ Public health

    a. Environmental sanitation
    b. Control of Community infection (communicable
    c. Education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene
    d. Organization of Medical and nursing services for
    early diagnosis and preventive treatment of diseases
    e. Development of social machinery which will
    ensure everyone as standard living adequate for
    maintenance of life
  • 2 broad areas of preventive medicine
    1. Public health
    2. Risk factor Evaluation
  • Public health
    includes programs and activities directed at community level and will benefit everyone or individuals who are not currently under the care of physician.
  • Risk factor evaluation
    includes programs and activities directed at individuals who are currently under the care of physician who evaluates them for high-risk factors that can cause disease, educate them about good habits and screens them for appropriate conditions.
  • Health
    A status of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity regarded as person's physical and psychological capacity to establish and maintain balance.
  • Aspects of health
    1. physical health
    2. mental health
    3. social health
  • Physical health
    refers to condition which enables a person to maintain a strong and healthy body.
  • Mental health
    refers to how a person thinks of himself, control his emotions and adjust to environment.
  • Social health
    refers to ways a person feels, think and acts towards everybody around him
  • Health or disease
    is expressions of the success or failure of a person to respond adaptively to environmental challenges.
  • Health
    successful defense of the host against forces landing to disturb body equilibrium
  • Disease
    failure of the body defense mechanism to cope with forces tending to disturb body equilibrium
  • Determinants of health
    1. Income and social status
    2. Education
    3. Physical environment
    4. Employment and working conditions
    5. Social support networks
    6. Culture
    7. Genetics
    8. Personal behavior and coping skills
    9. Health services
    10. Gender
  • Income and social status
    higher income and social status are linked to better health.
  • Education
    low education levels are linked with poor health, more stress and lower self-confidence.
  • Physical environment
    safe water and clean air, healthy workplaces, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health.
  • Employment and Working Conditions
    People in employment are healthier, particularly those who have more control over their working conditions
  • social support networks
    greater support from families, friends and communities is linked to better health
  • Culture
    Customs, traditions and the beliefs of the family and community all affect the health
  • Genetics
    inheritance plays a part in determining lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain illness.
  • Personal behavior and coping skills
    balanced eating, keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with life's stresses and challenges all affect health.
  • Health services
    access and use of services that prevent and treat disease influences health
  • Gender
    Men and women suffer from different types of disease at different ages
  • WHO defines PHC
    as essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them through their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage of development
  • PHC
    primary health care
  • Elements/Components of PHC (primary health care)

    1. Environmental sanitation
    2. Control of communicable disease
    3. Immunization
    4. Health Education
    5. MCH and Family Planning
    6. Adequate Food and Proper Nutrition
    7. Provision of Medical Care and Emergency Treatment
    8. Treatment of Locally Endemic Diseases
    9. Provision of Essential Drugs
  • Four Cornerstones/Pillars in PHC
    1. Active community participation
    2. Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
    3. Use of appropriate technology
    4. Support mechanism made available
  • Levels of Health Care Referral System
    1 -National Health Services Medical Centers Teaching and Training Hospitals
    2 -Regional Health Services Regional Medical Centers And Training Hospitals
    3 -Provincial/City Health Services Provincial/City Hospitals
    4 -Emergency/District Hospitals
    5 -Rural Health Unit Community Hospitals and Health Centers Private Practioners / Puericulture Centers
    6 -Barangay Health Stations
  • Levels of Health Care Facilities
    1) Primary health care facilities
    2) Secondary health care facilities
    3) Tertiary health care facilities
  • Primary health care facilities
    rural health units, their sub-centers, chest clinics, malaria eradication units, and schistosomiasis control units; puericulture centers, tuberculosis clinics, private clinics, clinics operated by large industrial firms, community hospitals, health centers and other health facilities
  • Secondary health care facilities
    non-departmentalized hospitals including emergency and regional hospitals
  • Tertiary health care facilities
    medical centers and large hospitals
  • Three levels of primary health care workers
    1. Village or Grassroot Health Workers
    2. Intermediate Level Health Workers
    3. First Line Hospital Personnel
  • Village or Grassroot Health Workers
    - first contacts
    - socio-economic
    - curative and preventive
    - community health worker, volunteers or traditional birth attendants
  • Intermediate level health workers
    • First source
    • Provide support
    • Attends to health problems
    - Medical practitioners, nurses, and midwives
  • First Line Hospital Personnel
    - establish close contact
    - backup health services
    * Physicians with specialty, nurses, dentist, pharmacists, other
    health professionals
  • Primary level of care
    It is health care provided by center physicians, public health nurse, rural midwives, barangay health workers, traditional healers and others at the barangay health stations and rural health units.

    First contact between the community members and the other levels of health facility
  • Secondary level of care
    Given by physicians with basic health training.

    It is usually given in health facilities privately owned or government operated such as infirmaries, municipal and district hospital and out-patient departments of provincial hospitals.

    This serves as the referral center for the primary health facilities.

    Secondary facilities are capable of performing minor surgeries and perform some simple laboratory examinations
  • Tertiary level of care
    is rendered by specialist in health facilities including medical centers as well as regional and provincial hospitals and specialized hospitals.

    Complicated cases and intensive care requires tertiary care and all these can be provided by the tertiary care facility