A huge ball of very hot gases like hydrogen and helium
Our sun is the closest star to our planet
Give off light and heat energy
Ways scientists classify stars
By color
By brightness
By size
Star colors
Blue (hottest)
Red (coolest)
Star color
Indicates the temperature of the star
Red stars are the coldest and blue stars are the hottest
Star brightness
Depends on how far it is from Earth and how bright it actually is
Star sizes
Some stars are smaller than Earth
The smallest stars are called neutron stars
Some stars are similar in size to Earth, called dwarf-stars
When stars are bigger than Earth, they're called giant-stars
Our Sun
A yellow star, medium size, medium brightness
Star formation
1. Clouds of swirling dust
2. Gravity squeezes the cloud
3. Cloud circles faster and faster
4. Cloud is called a nebula
5. A star is born
Life cycle of small stars
1. Grow to a Red Giant
2. Die and become a White Dwarf
Life cycle of big stars
1. Explode and are called Super Novas
2. Some Super Giant stars explode and make a black hole
Nothing can escape a black hole's suction because of gravity
Our sun will grow to be a Red Giant and then a White Dwarf
Kinds of stars
Red Giant
Super Giant
Dwarf Stars
Red Giant
Large red star at least 10xdiameter of the sun
Old stars
Example: Aldebaran
Super Giant
Largest of all stars 100x more luminous
Some are almost as large as our entire solar system
Explode as a Super Nova
Can form Black Holes
Examples: Betelgeuse, Rigel, Polaris
Dwarf Stars
Less luminous
Very dense, mostly carbon
Tightly packed nuclei
Most are red/orange/yellow
Sun is a yellow dwarf
Star colors and examples
Blue - hottest stars (Rigel, Vega, Sirius)
Yellow - medium stars (Sun)
Red - coolest stars (Betelgeuse, Antares, Aldebaran)
The Sun is an average star, yellow in color, 300,000 x the mass of Earth
Bright stars that may appear to form a group or pattern
There are 88 constellations in all
Most constellations were named many years ago, after the shapes of animals or their gods
One of the brightest constellations, a mythological character who was a hunter that bragged too much, so the gods sent a scorpion to kill him, but then they felt bad and placed him in the sky
A huge system of gases, dust, and billions of stars
Our Sun is on the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy
Everything that exists in space, containing millions of galaxies