Climbing My Grandfather, Andrew Waterhous

Cards (12)

  • Context
    ● He was a passionate environmentalist - wrote a series of natural walk guide books
    ● Struggled with mental illness, suicided at 42
  • ‘Decide to do it free’
    element of danger, risk involved in getting to know him - generational divide or a sense of trust to catch him if he falls
  • ‘Dusty and cracked’
    compared to foothill of a mountain - suggests his experience
  • ‘Get a grip’
    extended metaphor of climbing, sense of adventure, get to know his grandfather
  • ‘Change direction’
    enjambment - complexity of getting to know someone, visual change of line
  • 'Like warm ice’
    oxymoronic simile - simple childlike language creates an affectionate image
  • 'Smiling mouth’
    close relationship, comfortable w each other
  • ‘Soft and white at this altitude’
    hair metaphor, mountain top snow, reliable, impressive to explore.
  • ‘Clouds and birds circle’ 

    natural imagery, natural and caring relationship
  • ‘The slow pulse of his good heart’
    simple, monosyllabic, imitates his heartbeat, steady warm love - admiration
  • Enjambment
    shows steady progress, no rhyme/verses - continuous rough climb
  • Themes and comparisons
    Family relationships: FOLLOWER - idolise family member, extended metaphor of extreme sports, structure (loose in free verse vs constant quatrains), enjambment, conclusions at the end, parent attitudes towards them (ride on back vs smile), INDEPENDENCE