Provides relevantdetails about each journal voucher
It is a book of accounts that reflects the financial effects of the firm's transactions
Master file
General ledger and subsidiaryledgers contains account data are updated from transactions
Mnemonic code
Alphabetic characters in the form of acronyms and other combinations that convey meaning
Product document
Transactionprocessing rather than the triggering mechanism for the process
Program flowchart
Analyses relationshipbetweencomputerprograms, the files they use
Real-time system
Process transactions individuallyatthemoment the event occurs
Record layout diagram
Internalstructure of the records that constitute a file or database
Reference file
Stores data that are usedasstandards for processing transactions
Electronic or a hardcopy record of special journals information, listing data such as total gross pay
Responsibility center file
The revenues,expenditures, and other resource utilization data for input in the preparation of responsibility reports
Revenue cycle
Transactions also have a physical and a financialcomponent involves processing cash sales, credit sales, and the receipt of cash following a credit sale
Sequential code
Represents items in some numericsequentialcodes
Source document
Documents created at the beginning of the transaction
System flowchart
The physical relationships among keyelements of a system include organizational departments
Transaction file
Records used to change or update data in a master file