hazard is Occurrence or events which are potentially dangerous to life and can create damage to property.
Risks is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse healt effects if exposed to a hazard.
Natural hazards are naturally occuring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events.
human inducedhazards are events that are cause by human and occur in or closed to human settlements
physicalphenomena that are happen as result of natural occurring atmospheric and earth process
economy -
Destruction of facilities and infrastructures due to fires as well as the death of fishes due to oil spills can reduce the country’s income.
environment - Oil spills and water pollution can cause a destruction of bodies of water including the organisms living in it.
SOCIAL A child may experience trauma after suffering from war or any human violence like kidnapping
physical - Typhoon, earthquake, landslide and volcanic eruption can cause death of thousands of people.
Shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonicplates.
These hazards, which can lead to serious disasters, depend on the strength of seismic activity.
ground shaking - vibration of grounds during an earthquake, it can also trigger the other hazards such as liquefaction and landslides
:GroundShaking - This is caused by faulting during an earthquake which releases the energy that had been built up by the application of stress to the lithosphere
ground rapture - offset of the ground. this happened when fault rupture from the fucos extends to the earth surface
liquefaction can undermine the foundations and supports of building, bridges,etc causing them to sink into the ground, collapse or dissolve
ground subsidence is the sinking or settling of the ground surface
movement that occurs along faults can be horizontal or vertical or have a component of both
as a result, a large area of land can subside drastically during an earthquake
tsunami is a series of giant sea waves generated by an earthquake with magnitude greater than 7.0
landslide is defined as the movement of the rock, debris or earth down a slope
plate tectonic move the soil that covers them moves with it
when earthquake occur on areas with steep slopes, many times the soil slips causing landslide
tsunami is a series of giant sea waves that generated by strong earthquake and missive volcanic earthquakes