Causes of Essex's Rebellion
---> February 1601,Causes:
Robert Devreux the Earl of Essex was a politically ambitious courtier, professional soldier, and favourite of Queen Elizabeth.
>Fallen out of favour,with the queen, after military failures,
---> Cadiz, he distribute gold caputured at Cadiz to his men rather than passing it on to the government
--->Failure with the Spanish,he failed to capture gold on the spanish treasure fleet crossing form south america to Spain
--->Failure in Ireland,appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and told to crush the Irish rebellion [nine years war] led by Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, but with limited attempts to fight the rebells, signed a forbidden peace treaty with them, abandoning his post and returning to England disobeying the Queen's explicit orders, leading to accusations of treason
>Essex's ambition, he overestimated his support in both the court and the country
>Rivalry between Robert Cecil and Essex,both men competed for the Queen's affections, by the late 1590s, the court and the Privy Council were filled with Cecil's supporters, a rebellion would have strengthened Essex's position
>Finance,he was not a wealthu man, his finincial position depended on patronage from the Crown and was weakened when Elizabeth banished him from court and failed to renew his licence for the import of sweet wines. A successful rebellion would strengthen his finances.
>Humiliation,Elizabeth had slapped Essec in 1598, telling him to 'go and be hanged', and we was restrained by others from drawing his sword on the Queen, causing him to be banished from court. A successful rebellion would restore his status