Chemistry 2.2 - Consumer Products

Cards (10)

  • What is the alcohol function group?
    Hydroxyl (-OH)
  • Alcohol general formula?
  • Why are alcohols good fuels?
    • Very flammable
    • Produces a lot of energy
  • How does the size of the alcohol relate to the boiling point?
    Bigger molecule have higher boiling points
  • How does the size of the alcohol relate to the solubility?
    Bigger molecule are less soluble
  • What is the functional group on carboxylic acids?
    Carboxyl group (=0 -0H)
  • Carboxylic acid general formula?
  • Why is vinegar a good preservative and cleaning tool?
    It is an acid, and kills bacteria
  • Salt produced from an -anoic acid?
  • Why are alcohols good solvents?
    • They dissolve a variety of compounds
    • They evaporate quickly