"The only thing I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates
Tabula Rasa - blank slate
Anamnesis - the act of remembering memories from the Noeton
Eikasia - the opinions given to us by the Horaton
Analogy - a way of explaining something via a metaphorical story
Empiricism - the idea that knowledge is based on experience and observation
Episteme - true knowledge
Epistemology - the study of knowledge
Form - the truth or the truest version of something
Metempsychosis - the belief that the soul is reincarnated after death
Particulars - the real world examples of the forms
Rationalism - the use of reason to gain knowledge
"Choose a field of research and Aristotle laboured in it; pick an area of human endeavour, and Aristotle discoursed upon it. His range is astonishing" - Johnathan Barnes