Represents the uppermost level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. This means that you have fulfilled your desire to grow psychologically and fulfil one's full potential – becoming what you are capable of
Breathing, air, water, food, drink, warmth, sleep, sex
Stage 2
Safety and security needs
Security of body, employment, resources, morality, health, family property; protection, stability, order, rules, law
Stage 3
Belonging and love needs
Family, affection, relationships, work groups, sexual intimacy
Stage 4
Esteem needs
Self-esteem, confidence, achievement, status,
responsibility, respect of and by others
Stage 5
Cognitive needs
Able to think for ourselves, solve problems
Stage 6
Aesthetic needs
Appreciation of beauty & ‘prettiness’
Stage 7
Personal growth , fulfilment
Acheieving Self Actualisation
•Not everyone will manage to achieve self-actualisation. There are important psychological barriers that may prevent a person from reaching their potential
Rogers Ideas
Personal growth - developing and changing as a person to become fulfilled, satisfied and goal-oriented.
Rogers argued that certain circumstances had to be true for personal growth to be achieved.
These circumstances include the key terms of the self, congruence and conditions of worth.
Using these key terms, what circumstances do you think have to be true for personal growth to be achieved? Consequently, what psychological barriers may prevent a person from reaching their potential?