
Cards (7)

  • Metabolism
    The sum of all the chemical reactions in a cell or the body
  • Metabolism
    1. Converts glucose into different molecules
    2. Releases energy from glucose in respiration
    3. Uses energy released by respiration to synthesize new molecules
  • Glucose
    An important chemical in metabolism
  • Metabolism in plant cells
    1. Converts glucose into cellulose to strengthen cell walls
    2. Converts glucose into starch for storage
    3. Reacts glucose with nitrate ions to make amino acids for protein synthesis
  • Metabolism in humans and other animals
    Converts glucose into glycogen for storage
  • Lipid synthesis
    One molecule of glycerol is reacted with 3 molecules of fatty acids to form a lipid molecule
  • Protein breakdown
    1. Excess proteins are broken down into the chemical urea
    2. Urea is excreted by the kidneys