Organisation in plants

Cards (17)

  • Epidermal tissue

    • Covers the entire plant
    • Has a waxy cuticle which helps reduce water loss from the leaf surface
  • Palisade mesophyll tissue
    • Contains lots of chloroplasts which allows photosynthesis to progress at a rapid rate
  • Spongy mesophyll tissue
    • Has lots of air spaces which allow gases (including oxygen and carbon dioxide) to diffuse in and out
  • Xylem
    • Made up of dead cells which form a continuous hollow tube - allows the movement of water and mineral ions from the roots to the leaves
    • Strengthened by lignin - makes the vessel strong and waterproof
    • Has bordered pits - allow minerals to be transported to specific places
  • Phloem
    • Made up of elongated living cells
    • Cells have sieve plates that connect them together - cell sap can move through plates into other cells
    • Sieve tube cells have few organelles to allow the efficient transport of substances
  • Meristem tissue

    • Made up of stem cells which can differentiate into many different cell types, allowing the plant to grow
  • Tissues in the leaf organ
    • Epidermis
    • Palisade mesophyll
    • Spongy mesophyll
    • Xylem
    • Phloem
    • Guard cells
  • Guard cells
    Control the opening and closing of the stomata, according to the water content of the plant
  • Stomata
    • Allow the control of gaseous exchange and water loss from the leaf
    • More stomata on the base of the leaf - minimises water loss as this side is cooler and shaded
    • Have guard cells which control their opening and closing
  • Root hair cells
    • Allow the uptake of water and mineral ions from the soil
    • Large surface area - maximises rate of absorption
    • Contain lots of mitochondria -- release energy for active transport of mineral ions
  • Translocation
    The movement of dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant
  • Transpiration
    The evaporation of water vapour from the surface of a plant
  • How transpiration works
    1. Water evaporates from the leaf surface via the stomata
    2. Water molecules cohere together - more water is pulled up the xylem in an unbroken column
    3. More water is taken up from the soil - creating a continuous transpiration stream
  • Increasing temperature

    Increases the rate of transpiration
  • Increasing relative humidity
    Decreases the rate of transpiration
  • Increasing wind speed/air movement
    Increases the rate of transpiration
  • Increasing light intensity
    Increases the rate of transpiration