Role of chromosomes and hormones

Cards (9)

  • Chromosomes
    sex is decided at conception
    body has 23 pairs of chromosomes, 23rd determines sex
    xx - female xy - male
    SRY gene causes testes to develop in an XY chromosome
  • hormones chemical substance found in the blood that regulate the activity of cell or organs
    howromes affect brain development of child in the womb and continue to affect it through life
  • testosterone
    mainly in men but women have a little too
    muscle mass and strength , facial and body hair, regulates sex drive, deeper voice, production of sperm
    better moods, lower cognitive empathy, high anger
  • oestrogen
    weightgain in hips and breast, menstruation
    mood swings, decreased sex drive, premennstural tension
  • oxytocin
    males and females
    triggers labour and release of breast milk
    helps move sperm in males
  • Case study of David reimer
    evdience of chromosomal influnece being more powerful than environmental
    despite David being raised as a girl from birth due to a botch circusision leaving him with no penis, he still felt like a male in his teenage years
  • a strength is the evidence to support role of sex hormones in gender development even in mature males
    Male hypogonadism is a condition caused by a mans testes failing to produce normal levels of testosterone
    227 of these males were given testosterone therapy for 180 days, changes in body, shape, muscle strength and sexual function for monitored.
    Testosterone improved all of these factors
    however, when testosterone was increased i healthy males there was no changes in these factors
    suggesting additional testosterone may have no effect on sexual or aggressive behaviour
  • a limitaio is this biological explanation ignores social factors
    psychologistst claim that gender roles around the world are more a consequence of social norms Han biolog.
    countries that place individual competition and independence above the needs of community are more masculine in the outlook.
    Consequently, traditional masculine traits will be more highly valued within the societies.
  • A limitation is the biological explanation is reductionist
    gender and sex is reduced to the level of chromosomes and hormones and ignores alternative exclamations
    The cognitive approach would consider mediational processes which is not adequately explained by the biological explanation
    It’s likely gender is more complex than its biological influence alone