maladministration of medication, incorrect, late or inappropriate medication
pressure sores, individuals who are frail or who have restricted mobility are at risk of developing sores on points of their body that receive most pressure
pressure sores, bed sores or ulcers if left untreated can become very deep and infected
falls, residents not assessed on their risk of falls, walking aids not provided
rough treatment
being rushed, shouted at and ignored
poor nutritional care
appropriate food not provided for those with chewing and swallowing problems, religious or dietary needs, results in malnutrition
lack of social inclusion?
no stimulation, activity or opportunities for social interaction
institutionalised care
institutional abuse occurs when the routines, systems and regimes of an institution result in poor or inadequate standards of care and poor practice eg. people being forced to go to bed at particular time
institutionalised care
this affect the whole setting and denies, restricts or curtails the dignity, privacy, choice and independence or fulfilment of adults at risk
physical abuse between residents or between staff and residents
financial abuse
theft of personal belongings or money, staff inappropriately accepting gifts