Aspects of research paper

Cards (19)

  • Title page - always the 1st page, includes: title, authors, month/year
  • Title - follows inverted pyramid, all fonts are the samme, all are capitalized, 10-15 words, must include dependent and independent variables, no heavy words
  • Authors - alphabetical order
  • Month/Year - month or year of publication
  • Abstract - some of paper, includes: objectives of the study or Statement of the problem, methodology, results, conclusion, it gives an idea to readers, it's a literature review. Can't do this if the paper is not yet done
  • Introduction - background information of the study, general to specific, based on title, 1 to 3 sentences, within 7-10 years and is based on SOP
  • Statement of the problem - question form
  • Objectives of the study - sentence form
  • Definition of terms - conceptual and operational definitions, title then sop then introduction then literature review
  • Conceptual definition - authored sources; paraphrased
  • Operational definitions - based on how you use it
  • Methodology - how are we gathering informations; qualitative or quantitative
  • Qualitative- words only
  • Quantitative - datas/statistics
  • Results - tables only
  • Discussions - interpret the table, explanations, verbal interpretations
  • Conclusions - from discussions, SOPs are only on how much, 1 sentence only for each SOP
  • References - sources to avoid plagiarism
  • Apendix - extra materials; questionnaires, letters, certificates